Beautiful pics of Tatu Baby and Astrid Berges Frisbey feet & legs

Katherine Kat Flores, also called Tatu Babe, is a tattoo artist. She was born October 28th 1987. She was born in Colombia. Find out more about Tatu's Networth as well as her complete biography. She is an American tattoo artist, as well as a television personality. Ink Master, a reality TV show featuring tattoo artists competing in competitions was the show that she first was on. Ink Master 2 saw her finish fourth. Tatu placed third in season 3's Ink Master finale for season 3. In 2019, she appeared in two seasons of the reality TV show Cartel Crew, which is inspired by the stories of people who are connected to drug cartels. Tatu Baby is an American tattooist who has been professionally tattooing since the age of 19. Tatu baby's Best Of Day Award was presented at a Tattoo Competition Convention. Tatu is a baby's tattoo artist. Her works are best known for her real-life, custom of grey and black tattoos. Tatu is a fan of how her body becomes an art piece to express oneself. Tatu Baby was disqualified from her participation in the Ink Master Season 2 tattoo contest after finishing fourth. Tatu began tattooing in 2014. Tatu Baby began tattooing herself at the time, and then became an artist when she reached around 19. Tatu baby also known as. Katherine Kat Flores, born 28th October 1987 in Colombia and grew up within Miami Florida. Her parents are Colombians. Her father was a queen of the drug trade in Queens, New York. When she turned four the gang of rivals killed her father. After her dad s death her mother wished to leave the drug business. Tatu along with her mom moved in the same direction to Miami Florida. Tatu started her schooling in Miami. While she was her studies in animation, she quit her college. By the age of 14 she was interested in tattoos. She became a full-time tattoo artist when she was 19. Tatu Baby is the daughter to Kenneth Roman.

Astrid Berges- is an actress with Spanish heritage. As a teenager in high school, Astrid Berges started acting as a part-time hobby. It wasn't something she would have considered as a profession due to the rural setting. Her unique characteristics made her a perfect candidate for the parts she eventually landed. She was blessed with two-tone iris (the result of a condition called the sectoral heterochromia). An exotic, soft accent combined with her bone structure makes it an obvious choice for Sofi to get a role as a character in I Origins. A well-dressed and stylish actor, astrid says "I'm always starting from scratch each time. I never repeat myself." It is not always easy. anxious about it, but happy, believing that she improves with every film. Astrid is adamant on her role. She is very attentive to the character's movements, their speech and behavior. Another benefit to Astrid's character is that she is fluent in five languages - Catalan, Spanish, Italian, French and English.

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